
We are experts in translation and multilingual solutions

Technical translation

Technical translation is a specialized type of translation characterized by the existence of a very specific content, with a very specific vocabulary.

It requires a great knowledge of terminology to achieve an accurate final result.

Institutional translation or governmental translation

Institutional translation is done for institutions that represent the public, interact with them and offer them services: ministries and public administration, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and financial entities, among others.
This type of translation must be meticulously taken care of, as it constitutes the public image of an entity and, therefore, has a strong impact on its credibility.

Sworn translation

This is the translation of any type of document, carried out by a translator recognized by an official body.

In Spain, sworn translations can only be performed by translators authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MAEC) to translate from a foreign language into one of the official languages of the Spanish State and vice versa.

Business translation

Translation within the business environment is reflected not only in the improvement of a company's external image, but also in the possible expansion into new markets, making it a very important tool for business communication.

Marketing translation

Marketing is indispensable for the commercial success of any business.

When translating marketing texts, it is essential to know the purpose of the text to be adapted and to convey its message to the new audience. It is also important that the translation is adapted to the culture of the target language.

It is a matter of translating ideas rather than words, i.e. a transcreation rather than a translation. The first and ultimate goal is always to connect with the target audience.

Traducción literaria

Traducción literaria

Desde los albores de la historia, se ha recurrido a la traducción de obras literarias para obtener un mayor conocimiento de otras culturas y riqueza intelectual. Es quizás el tipo más especial de traducción, una disciplina compleja y a la vez fascinante que ha ido adaptándose y evolucionando dependiendo de las necesidades y objetivos de cada autor, representante de una cultura y un estilo propios. La perspectiva tanto objetiva como subjetiva que debe alcanzar y su gran relevancia cultural convierte la labor del traductor en algo delicado, profundo y muy laborioso.

En Ongoing somos amantes de los libros, de la literatura en sus infinitas formas, y contamos con los mejores traductores especializados en traducción literaria.

Contáctanos para más información, será un placer participar en tu próximo proyecto.


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